RFE: python distutils support (setup.py)

cwm should install using the python distutils stuff.

Installing Python Modules
Greg Ward

This seems to involve some reorganization of the sources.

TimBL agreed that
	import swap.llyn
is an improvement over
	import llyn
since it's closer to
	from http://www.w3.org/2000/10/swap/ import llyn

(he mentioned red_import... I suppose as in...
http://redfoot.net/2002/12/03/redfoot-1.7.3/doc/helloworld.html )

It seems danbri did some work on it...

$Id: setup.py,v 1.2 2003/03/25 21:37:36 danbri Exp $

A not-working-yet attempt at a setup.py installer for Cwm/SWAP
posted by danbri_ at 2003-03-25 21:41 (+)

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

Received on Thursday, 10 June 2004 17:34:31 UTC