[closed] Re: BUG: Recursion Error With

As of March 6, 2004, `this' is no longer a valid keyword in cwm, except 
for legacy support in this log:forAll and this log:forSome. Your file 
now gives the error message:

       return context.add(subj=subj, pred=pred, obj=obj, why=why)
     File "/home/syosi/CVS-local/WWW/2000/10/swap/llyn.py", line 376, in 
       raise ValueError("You cannot use 'this' except as subject of 
forAll or forSome")
   ValueError: You cannot use 'this' except as subject of forAll or forSome

Therefore, this bug has been fixed.


Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2004 11:15:49 UTC