[closed] Re: CWM unsoundness

The latest cvs version of cwm is 1.162 . This bug has been fixed for a 
couple months now, with  the fixes in both versions 0.7.3 and 0.8.0. The 
test is in swap/test/unify/reflexive.n3, as referenced in the tests at 


Yarden Katz wrote:

>Consider the following set of facts:
>@prefix : <http://cwmTest/> . 
>@prefix s: <http://www.mindswap.org/>.
>s:b :foo s:c.
>s:a :foo s:c.
>and the rule:
>@prefix : <http://cwmTest/> .
>{?c :foo ?d. ?d :foo ?d}
>     =>
>     {?c :bar ?d}.
>CWM incorrectly fires this rule, yielding the following unsound results:
>yarden% cwm.py http://www.mindswap.org/~katz/cwm/facts2.n3 --think=http://www.mindswap.org/~katz/cwm/rules2.n3
>#Processed by Id: cwm.py,v 1.148 2004/03/21 04:24:32 timbl Exp 
>        #    using base http://www.mindswap.org/~katz/cwm/facts2.n3
>#  Notation3 generation by
>#       notation3.py,v 1.153 2004/03/21 04:24:35 timbl Exp
>#   Base was: http://www.mindswap.org/~katz/cwm/facts2.n3
>    </a>     <http://cwmTest/bar> </c>;
>         <http://cwmTest/foo> </c> .
>    </b>     <http://cwmTest/bar> </c>;
>         <http://cwmTest/foo> </c> .
>I am using what version 1.148, which seems to be the latest cvs version of CWM.
>Yarden Katz <yarden@umd.edu>  |  Mind the gap

Received on Thursday, 12 August 2004 20:56:31 UTC