Re: UTF, non ASCII chars in subjects and predicates

This should be fixed in the latest cvs. The test for it is at, as 
referenced in the tests at . I'll mark 
this closed once there is a release with the fix.


meyer wrote:

> I am using the latest cvs checkout of cwm
> predicates that end in non-ASCII(?) characters get merged with the 
> namespace leaving an empty tag.
> according to the xml specification it is possible to have utf8 chars 
> in tags.
> I also looked into the documentation about non ascii support , but i 
> thought i mention it, since it 'almost' works :)
> Probably im just doing something wrong ...
> greetings
> Joerg
> P.S: i think n3 is the best thing since the invention of the 
> 'brötchen'. :)
> I'm just to stupid to grab it fully. The last time i felt like that, 
> was with my very first computer: a commodore 500. ;)
> my n3 file is:
> """
> @prefix : <#>.
> :僕 :名前 "ヨーク".
> """
> Everything works fine, but the predicate get merged with the namespace 
> and leaves an empty tag:
> """
> <rdf:RDF xmlns="japanese.n3#名前"
>     xmlns:rdf="">
>     <rdf:Description rdf:about="#僕">
>         <>ヨーク</>
>     </rdf:Description>
> </rdf:RDF>
> """

Received on Thursday, 5 August 2004 14:06:26 UTC