Poll on use of .well-known to specify non-standard CSV metadata filenames

There has been debate about the potential use of .well-known to specify 
non-standard CSV metadata URIs.  It would be helpful to have some data 
about how much this feature would actually be used by data publishers if 
it is included in the CSVW specification.[1]   Please respond to this 
poll if you can answer "yes" to question 1 below.  There is no need to 
respond if your answer is "no".

1. Do you personally know of CSV data publishers who meet ALL of the 
following criteria?

  a. The publisher wishes to publish CSV metadata along with published 
CSV data, in accordance with the CSVW specifications[1][2]; AND

  b. The publisher wishes to use a NON-standard filename (URI path 
component) for the CSV metadata. (For reference, the standard names are 
{+url}-metadata.json, for per-document metadata, and csv-metadata.json, 
for per-directory metadata,)  AND

  c. The publisher does NOT wish to publicize the CSV metadata URIs to 
allow readers to easily find them (along with, or instead of, the CSV 
data URIs); AND

  d. The publisher is NOT able to set Link headers to specify CSV 
metadata URIs; AND

  e. The publisher *is* able to specify a root-level /.well-known/csvm 
document containing CSV metadata URI patterns, and would do so if that 
mechanism were supported.

2. If so, please describe the publishers and sites to the extent that 
you can.

Thank you!
David Booth

1. http://w3c.github.io/csvw/syntax/#site-wide-location-configuration
2. http://w3c.github.io/csvw/metadata/

Received on Tuesday, 30 June 2015 18:28:39 UTC