Re: Reflection on the special telco of CSVW

On 10/09/14 13:31, Ivan Herman wrote:
> The template should/must be language independent. Should be simple, ie, such features as lowercase is, in my view a "no-no"

That makes me very uncertain.  A bit of string manipulation to generate 
URIs seems quite common.

(i.e. not everything can be pushed to manipulation after the 
template/generation step in practice).

e.g. the pre-processing step --

Is that in or out by alternative 2.5?

W3C does have a prog-lang-neutral solution for common string 
manipulation in a subset of the XQuery/XPath Functions and Operators (as 
used in SPARQL and RIF).  It is reasonably close to what programming 
languages provide.


Received on Friday, 12 September 2014 16:53:24 UTC