Re: IRI Templates

On 21/02/14 10:17, Ivan Herman wrote:
> Markus Lanthaler wrote:
>> +CC public-csv-wg(-comments)
>> On Friday, February 21, 2014 6:33 AM, David Booth wrote:
>>> Personally, I would prefer not to overload JSON-LD this way.  This
>>> essentially amounts to a transformation rule.  And although
>>> transformation rules are useful and neede, I would prefer to have them
>>> specified as a separate layer.
>> I've raised an issue regarding IRI templates 2 years ago [1] and we
>> concluded back then to "not add any normative language relating to IRI
>> templates or other transformations".
>> As is, framing is not really suitable for this as it expects the input to
>> already be valid JSON-LD. I think what you want is a generic mechanism to
>> map CSV to RDF. You can then easily serialize it (and frame it) in JSON-LD.
>> I haven't followed the work in the CSV WG at all till now but it appears to
>> me that there exists already an (almost complete) solution that you could
>> leverage: R2RML [2] (I'm sure this has already been discussed). If you add a
>> way to reference a JSON-LD context or frame, you are quite close to what you
>> want to achieve I think:
>>    CSV -> RDF -> JSON-LD
> Just to reflect on this: the current thinking was actually the opposite (but we
> are still early in the process).

"some current thinking"

CSV -> JSON-LD -> RDF puts a JSON-LD processor in the pipeline.

Personally, I think we should define CSV -> RDF abstract data model and 
not tie things to the concrete syntax.

Choice of JSON-LD is then one concrete syntax. It should be particularly 
nice for CSV from spreadsheets.

N-triples/N-Quads is another concrete syntax and could be done in a 
streaming fashion over very large CSV files from database dumps with 
limited machine resources.


> Indeed, there is a need for a CSV->JSON
> transformation, too, for users who simply want to use the data directly, without
> going through RDF. Defining that JSON mapping by, essentially, defining a
> CSV->JSON-LD mapping, and relying on a separate @context to yield RDF if
> necessary seems to be an attractive proposition...
> Ivan
>> Cheers,
>> Markus
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> --
>> Markus Lanthaler
>> @markuslanthaler
>>> On 02/20/2014 08:50 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>>>> As part of work on the CSV WG, I've put forward the concept of CSV-LD
>>>> [1]. As I've discussed before, the idea is to use something like a
>>>> JSON-LD frame to map column values in a CSV to turn it into JSON-LD.
>>>> I discussed the idea of IRI Templates (really @id templates) on the
>>>> mailing list [2]. The idea is that fields in a CSV may be used to
>>>> identify entities, but they may not explicitly include an identifier.
>>>> In some cases, it may take two columns to determine a unique
>>>> identifier, for example when a database dump has a composite primary
>>>> key.
>>>> The idea I had is that one or more column values might be used to
>>>> create a template for an IRI or Blank Node. This concept might be
>>>> more generally useful for JSON-LD framing, but I wanted to get some
>>>> reaction from this list. From the email:
>>>> [[[ I've been hand-waving around this, but one way to do this might
>>>> be to extend the context definition to describe identifier
>>>> templates:
>>>> { "region_id": {"@id": "_:{Sales Region}", "@type": "@idTemplate"} }
>>>> I'm sure we can do much better, but the basic idea is that column
>>>> values can be used within a template used to construct an IRI or
>>>> BNode identifier, using some suitable rules. We could then use
>>>> "region_id" in the frame, with the understanding that it will be
>>>> expanded using the template defined in the context.
>>>> { "@id": "region_id", "@type": "ex:SalesRegion", "Sales Region":
>>>> null, "ex:period": { "@type": "ex:SalesPeriod", "Quarter": null,
>>>> "Sales": null } } ]]]
>>>> The idea would be that if a term is of type @idTemplate, it could be
>>>> used as a key or value (in this case, the value of @id), and it would
>>>> be processed based on other properties of the associated node ("Sales
>>>> Region" here). Obviously, this would require some normalization as
>>>> well, so that the result would be legal. A more complete example
>>>> would be the following:
>>>> { "@context": { "dc": "", "rdf":
>>>> "", "ex":
>>>> "http://example/", "Sales Region": "dc:title", "Quarter":
>>>> "dc:title", "Sales": "rdf:value", "region_id": {"@id": "_:{Sales
>>>> Region}", "@type": "@idTemplate"} }, "@id": "region_id", "Sales
>>>> Region": null, "ex:period": { "Quarter": null, "Sales": null } }
>>>> I suppose that filling in the template term would be part of
>>>> compaction, and the @idTemplate would allow such a term to be used as
>>>> the value of @id. This could presumably be done in a CSV-LD spec, but
>>>> it might be more generally useful as part of JSON-LD Framing.
>>>> Thoughts?
>>>> Gregg Kellogg
>>>> [1] [2]

Received on Friday, 21 February 2014 11:04:41 UTC