Re: First Face-to-Face meeting


Eric Stephan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Brickley []
> Sent: 03 February 2014 17:22
> To: Jeni Tennison; Ivan Herman
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: First Face-to-Face meeting
> Having talked over the results of this survey with Jeni and Ivan, we
> conclude that there does *not* seem to be to be critical mass for the dates
> proposed. And comparing travel schedules even amongst Ivan/Jeni/Dan it is
> looking very challenging to find new candidate dates in the immediate -
> feb/march/april/... future (especially noting that W3C asks for 8 weeks
> notice to be given, to help people find reasonable travel/hotel options
> etc.).
> Given all this, a new suggestion. That we make minimal or no use of
> face-to-face meetings until a larger gathering - the W3C Technical Plenary
> meeting, next one is Oct 27-31st 2014, Santa Clara <
>>, but that we kick off the group
> 'remotely' rather than through a 'kickoff face to face meeting'.
> So - for now at least - Instead of flying everyone to a single location,
> let's try to do our best to use the 'net (the usual email/wiki/phone/IRC
> stuff but also maybe video e.g. Skype,
> G+Hangouts, WebRTC or whatever) to make progress. We can also continue
> the effort already begun in this thread, of sharing our existing travel
> plans so that if small subsets of the Working Group are already planning to
> attend various events, we can make the most of it. Andy Seaborne also
> pointed out that some W3C groups have had regional meetings, e.g. recent
> RDF WG had US (Boston) + UK (London) split meeting that was easier for
> people to attend; we could explore similar mechanisms, or perhaps
> organizing around sub-topics.
> In general W3C groups benefit a lot from face to face work. It helps
> people understand each other, work closely together, etc. But there can
> also be other significant costs involved beyond the merely financial -
>  travel, health, family, carbon footprint, day jobs, etc... So given our
> scheduling difficulties, let's see what we can get done using this
> new-fangled Internet thing...
> cheers,
> Dan

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2014 15:55:15 UTC