Suggestion on ISSUE-7 in "Model for Tabular Data and Metadata on the Web": Allow metadata in any RDF-enabled format
Issue 7

Used a suffix on filenames to find metadata about them, though we 
haven't decided what format metadata documents should be in, or even if 
they should be conneg'd.

The WG charter says that the metadata "should be defined, or should have 
an encoding, in standard RDF".  One possibility would be to allow a 
related metadata document to be in any RDF-enabled format -- including 
CSV+.  If a metadata document were supplied in CSV+ format, then it 
could be converted to RDF according to the same mapping rules as any 
other CSV+ document.  This of course is recursive, but in practice the 
recursion would likely involve only one or two steps.


Received on Sunday, 6 April 2014 21:55:33 UTC