Comment on "Model for Tabular Data and Metadata on the Web": Definition of null field

Hi Jeni and Gregg,

First of all, very nice work on this!
I haven't read it in detail, but I do have a few comments/suggestions, 
which I will break into separate messages.

Section 2.1 Core Data Model
says "Some of these fields may be null fields".  What exactly *is* a 
null field?  I think this needs to be defined.  Is it possible, in the 
absence of assistive metadata, for a CSV+ document to have a null field? 
  In a CSV document, how would a null field be distinguishable from a 
field consisting of an empty string?  Or are they the same?  They 
certainly are not the same in a database.


Received on Sunday, 6 April 2014 21:55:01 UTC