- From: Tandy, Jeremy <jeremy.tandy@metoffice.gov.uk>
- Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014 15:14:59 +0000
- To: "public-csv-wg@w3.org" <public-csv-wg@w3.org>
Proposal now added to github<https://github.com/w3c/csvw/blob/gh-pages/csv-ld/mapping-frame-within-tabular-data-package.md> within the csv-ld folder ... should really have done that first! Jeremy -----Original Message----- From: Tandy, Jeremy [mailto:jeremy.tandy@metoffice.gov.uk] Sent: 03 April 2014 15:36 To: public-csv-wg@w3.org Subject: CSV-LD meets dataprotocols.org/tabular-data-package (note: "Simple Data Format" was renamed "Tabular Data Package" in the March 2014 release) All, Having done some experimentation with Gregg's CSV-LD mapping frame for my simple weather observation example <https://github.com/w3c/csvw/blob/gh-pages/examples/simple-weather-observation.md#csv-ld-mapping-frame-guestimate> it struck me that this is operating in a similar space to the JSON Table Schema <http://dataprotocols.org/json-table-schema/> from dataprotocols.org. Looking at the two side-by-side, here are some suggestions. We want our metadata annotation to be able to describe multiple CSV files; see WG meeting minutes <http://dataprotocols.org/json-table-schema/> ... quoting JeniT: "I took it as a strength that a metadata file would describe several CSV files, as that matched current usage." The Tabular Data Package spec <http://dataprotocols.org/tabular-data-package/> says: "Each [CSV file in the data package] MUST have an entry in the resources array in the datapackage.json file". The use of "datapackage.json" follows the Standard Path<http://w3c.github.io/csvw/syntax/#standard-path> mechanism to locate the metadata; we have other alternatives to locate the metadata too. However, it occurs to me that we could include the _mapping frame_ within the resources array ... Let's assume that my simple weather observation example CSV was provided with filename: site22580943-2013-dec.csv (my example only has two observations - but imagine it held hourly observations for Exeter Airport for the entire month of December 2013!) site22580943-2013-dec.csv ========== id,Date-time,Air temperature (Cel),Dew-point temperature (Cel) 20131213T0800Z,2013-12-13T08:00:00Z,11.2,10.2 20131213T0900Z,2013-12-13T09:00:00Z,12.0,10.2 ========== Then my datapackage.json file might look like this: datapackage.json ========== { "name": "Weather observations for site 22580943 (Exeter Airport, UK)", "resources": [{ "path": "site22580943-2013-dec.csv", "csv-mapping-frame": { "@context": { "@base": "http://data.example.org/wow/data/weather-observations/", "ssn": "http://purl.oclc.org/NET/ssnx/ssn#", "time": "http://www.w3.org/2006/time#", "xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#", "qudt": "http://qudt.org/1.1/schema/qudt#", "def-op": "http://data.example.org/wow/def/observed-property#", "phenomenonTime": { "@id": "ssn:observationSamplingTime", "@type": "time:Instant" }, "datetime": { "@id": "time:inXSDDateTime", "@type": "xsd:dateTime" }, "result": { "@id": "ssn:observationResult", "@type": "ssn:SensorOutput" }, "value": { "@id": "qudt:numericValue", "@type": "xsd:double" } }, "@id": "site/22580943/date-time/{id}", "@type": "ssn:Observation", "phenomenonTime": {"datetime": "{Date-time}"}, "result": { "def-op:airTemperature_C": {"value": "{Air temperature (Cel)}"}, "def-op:dewPointTemperature_C": {"value": "{Dew-point temperature (Cel)}"} } } }] } ========== More objects could be added to the "resources" array to describe additional CSV files. Note that I have introduced a new key "csv-mapping-frame" to distinguish this from the "schema" key already used in the Tabular Data Package spec to reference a JSON Table Schema<http://dataprotocols.org/json-table-schema/> instance for the target CSV file. JSON Table Schema provides for annotating the columns (referred to within the spec as "fields") using a "field-descriptor" key: "name", "title", "description" etc. ... currently I don't yet see how to do this in the CSV-LD mapping frame. There is also explicit support for geospatial elements ("geopoint" and "geojson") and expression of foreign keys (reference to the data package where those keys are defined) that would be interesting to consider. The Tabular Data Package spec already provides a mechanism to describe tabular text files that _don't_ conform to the standard CSV syntax using a "dialect" key that conforms to the that described in the CSV Dialect Description Format<http://dataprotocols.org/csv-dialect/>. This appears to provide a great basis for our work - but may need some additions to deal with emerging issues like i18n (column/row transposition, ordering direction etc.). Additionally, note that the "path" key in the datapackage.json file could just as easily refer to a CSV file available at a URL. Jeremy
Received on Thursday, 3 April 2014 15:15:31 UTC