simple weather observation example illustrating complex column mappings (ACTION-11)


(related action #11 <>)

I've created an "Example" directory in the github repo <>, within which I have placed the example requested by AndyS et al in today's teleconference:

simple-weather-observation <>

It provides:
- CSV example
- RDF encoding (in TTL)
- JSON-LD encoding (assuming my manual conversion is accurate)
- CSV-LD mapping frame (or at least my best guess)

In the mapping frame I couldn't figure out how to construct the @id for the weather observation instances as I wanted to use a simplified form of the ISO 8601 date-time syntax used in the "Date-time" column.

Would be happy for folks to correct/amend what I've done :)

AndyS / Greg - if this meets your need could you close the action? (I left it in "pending review" state)


Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2014 18:05:14 UTC