Re: margin-collapse-021

Le 2016-04-05 06:05, Ms2ger a écrit :
> Hey Gérard,
> I had a question about
> css21/margin-padding-clear/margin-collapse-021.xht [1],

XHTML version:

HTML version:

> and since you're
> listed as the reviewer, I guessed you'd be the best person to ask.
> The assertion states "For HTML pages the 'body' element's margins
> collapse.", but I can't find anything in the linked section [2] that
> backs that up. Could you give me a pointer?

Ms2ger, you are correct. There is nothing in the linked section backing 
this up. What's wrong is the "For HTML pages" chunk and the HTMLonly 
flag. That test is not perfectly coherent.

First, for XHTML documents, the body element's margin collapses too. So, 
the HTMLonly flag should not be in that test. The test was most likely 
created to verify that, since "Margins of the root element's box do not 
collapse.", then such exclusion, such restriction does not apply to its 
first child element, which is the body element.

Second, the [src] file was an XHTML document and was submitted with the 
HTMLonly flag... which is inherently contradictory.

Third, the test declares the Ahem font but, as created, there is no need 
to resort, to use the Ahem font in that test. Nowhere the Ahem glyphs 
are being used in that test. So, "font: 20px/1em serif;" instead of 
"font: 20px/1em Ahem;" could have been declared.

Ms2ger, I modified the test only in relation to the incorrect HTMLonly 


> Thanks
> Ms2ger
> [1]
> [2]

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Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2016 21:04:20 UTC