caret-color tests

Hi Chris,

Thanks for submitting 3 tests for caret-color to the css3-ui test suite.

I've reviewed them, and here are a few comments.

== 1
We just corrected a mistakes in the spec, and caret-color *does* inherit
now, so caret-color-002.html needs to be changed.

== 2
The spec has also changed about how auto maps to currentColor.
1) auto used to compute to currentColor, now it computes to auto.
2) auto now *should* do the same as current color, but UAs may adjust
it to maintain good contrast.

Since your test did not directly test the computed value, just the resulting
color, it is still usable, but "should" needs to be added to the flags
and the assert text needs to be updated.

== 3
In addition to the word caret, you use the word cursor in the description,
and it seems a bit confusing to me. How about saying this instead:

  Test passes if, when the textarea is focused for editing, [...]

Similarly, even though these are tests about the caret and people need to
know what they're doing, "caret" isn't a word that people use every day, and
it tends to get confused with cursor. So while I think just saying "caret"
in the title or the assert is fine, it could be nice to say
"the text insertion caret" in the test instructions.

== 4
Caret-color-001.html and caret-color-002.html use "#070" instead of "green".
It's not that hard to read hex, but it'd be even easier to read the test
source if you used the keyword everywhere.

== 5
You should add the "interact" flag on all tests

== 6
Maybe it would be nice to add a small piece of JS that automatical focuses
the textarea on load. It is not essential to running the test, and would
not change the results, but would make running the test a bit more convenient.

 - Florian

PS: Should I use shepherd's comment and reviewing system instead of mails?

Received on Wednesday, 22 April 2015 10:58:34 UTC