Re: CSS3-text: line-break - strict

Le Jeu 7 février 2013 10:07, taka a écrit :
> Hello
> Attached I re-submitted the subject test case for your review. I
appreciate your kind review for this and your comments back to me.
Please note this is the first outcome of a series of multiple
> and the rest will be followed after this review process completes.

line 5: <title>CSS Test: line-break - strict - Japanese small

For specifications other than CSS 2.1, you can include the module name
somewhere before the colon, like “CSS Selectors Test:” or “CSS Test
(Selectors):”. Do not include the module version number, since the test
might get reused for the next version.

So here,

<title>CSS Text Test: line-break - strict - Japanese small kana</title>

is ok.

line 7: <link rel="help" title="CSS Text Module Level 3: 5.2. Breaking
Rules for Punctuation: the ‘line-break’ property"
href="" />

<link rel="help" title="5.2. Breaking Rules for Punctuation: the
'line-break' property" href="" />

is okay.

line 8:		<link rel="match" href=""/>

Don't forget to link to a reftest if and when there is one. There should
be one for line-break-strict-011.xht

line : <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="en, ja" />

Using the lang attribute, you can hint/help browsers about lang; I'm not
sure if this makes any significative/worthy difference.

<body lang="en">

<p class="test" lang="ja">

<p class="control" lang="ja">

line 20: font-family: "IPAMincho", "IPAGothic", "IPA&#26126;&#26397;",

At the IPA fonts page, there's IPAexMincho Ver.002.01 and IPAexGothic
Ver.002.01 fonts. I'm not sure if installing one of those would make the
test fail anyway... while the CSS declaration is specifically looking
for IPAMincho and IPAGothic fonts.

I use Linux Kubuntu (a Debian distribution) and IPAMincho (Ver.
00303-10), IPAexMincho, IPAPMincho, IPAGothic (Ver. 00303-10),
IPAexGothic, IPAPGothic packages are installable.

[Ku|Lu|U|Xu]buntu 12.10

Debian :

Your test specifies IPAMincho and not IPAexMincho and not
IPAPMincho. Same thing for IPAGothic.

[Addendum: after a lot of testing, I believe Firefox 18.0.2 requires
both IPAMincho and IPAexMincho fonts to be installed while Opera 12.14
and Chrome 24.0.1312.69 only requires IPAMincho font installed: that is
the conclusion I reach on my Linux KDE 4.10 i686 system.]

I think all of your tests should only have one single text and link to a
list of downloadable and installable set of Japanese fonts: this would
greatly ease the task of testers, I think. Such set of Japanese fonts
would have to be included in or fetchable from

Usually, tests that require a special font to be installed will start with

PREREQUISITE: Operating system needs to have the 'foobar' font
Post Test: Remove test font after running the test.


line 32: <h1> Japanese small kana </h1>
			Test passes if the highlighted character in both rectangles is at the
exact same horizontal position.<br />
line 35:		</p>

I think <h1> Japanese small kana </h1> does not help the testers and is
not really part of the test; this could be in <!-- a comment --> in the
source code. The <br /> is not needed as p element have default 1em
vertical (top and bottom) margins in all browsers.

Finally, a demo-example with all these changes and with increased
font-size + line-height:

Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite:

CSS 2.1 Test suite RC6, March 23rd 2011:

CSS 2.1 test suite harness:

Contributing to to CSS 2.1 test suite:

Received on Friday, 8 February 2013 01:56:06 UTC