Respective (left or right) position of vertical scrollbar in right-to-left direction of blocks


Some bidi tests may not generate a vertical scrollbar when viewed in a
single tab (with viewport of 800 by 600 or higher). But, inside the test
harness, it may generate a vertical scrollbar. Now, there is no standard
[1] that I know of regarding the position of vertical scrollbar ...
although I want to believe that if body's block direction is rtl, then a
generated vertical scrollbar should be on the *right* side.

Some browsers also have settings capable of overriding. Firefox's
about:config has layout.scrollbar.side

Place the scrollbar at the end (right in LTR languages, left in RTL) of
the content, based on the UI’s direction. (Default)

Place the scrollbar at the end (right in LTR languages, left in RTL) of
the content, based on the document/content’s direction.

Place the scrollbar on the right side of the content.

Place the scrollbar on the left side of the content.

I have and use value 1 and I think this should be the proper, correct
choice for the CSS 2.1 test suite.

I do not know if other browsers have settings of this sort.

I believe the uncommon assumptions of the test suite
should clarify this.
I may have to re-verify or tune up a bunch of reftests because of this.



Firefox 11.0 will create a vertical scrollbar on the *right* side of the
page (assuming that layout.scrollbar.side is set to 1)

Opera 11.62 will create a vertical scrollbar on the *right* side of the

Chrome 17.0.963.83 and Konqueror 4.8.1 will create a vertical scrollbar
on the *left* side of the page

I have not checked with IE8.


[1] CSS 2.1, overflow states:

"scrollbar being placed on an edge of the element's box, it should be
inserted between the inner border edge and the outer padding edge."

but it does not state or claim anything about rtl situations.

Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite:

CSS 2.1 Test suite RC6, March 23rd 2011:

CSS 2.1 test suite harness:

Contributing to to CSS 2.1 test suite:

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2012 00:02:22 UTC