Re: [css3-conditional] at-supports-020, at-supports-021 and at-supports-024

On 08/07/2012 01:51 PM, "Gérard Talbot" wrote:
>>> PS. Btw, I now understand what "parens" means: it's a diminutive form of
>>> the plural of parenthesis.
>> That's what it is. I hear it so often that I thought it was now accepted
>> mainstream usage. Maybe not.
> CSS 2.1 was using "parenthesis" and "parentheses". Now CSS 3 is using
> "parens" and this was the first time I ever saw such word.

It's a very informal abbreviation, and shouldn't be used in any specs
(or tests, really). :) It's common in email and IRC discussions, though.


Received on Wednesday, 8 August 2012 00:25:50 UTC