Re: block-formatting-contexts-010

On 18/10/2011 10:04 AM, Alan Stearns wrote:
> I'm writing a css3-regions test to validate that a region creates a new
> block formatting context. So I've looked at existing tests in the css2.1
> testsuite. But I'm confused about block-formatting-contexts-010.xht and some
> of its siblings.
> The test asserts that "Elements defined as inline-blocks establish a new
> block formatting context." But the test renders the same if I remove the
> display:inline-block line. Does this test actually check its assertion?
> Thanks,
> Alan

If your referring to this test,

then no, it does not test what the asserts states. For the test to get 
anywhere close, the CSS would have to changed to something like this.

                 border: solid;
                 height: 200px;
                 width: 200px;
                 display: inline-block;
             div div
                 background: blue;
                 height: 50%;
                 width: auto;

Alan Gresley

Received on Monday, 17 October 2011 23:57:36 UTC