Re: abspos-containing-block-initial-004d

Le Sam 8 octobre 2011 7:23, Robert Hogan a écrit :
> Hi there,
> initial-004d/
> It looks like FF treats the border on a block with display:table the
> same
> way it treats the border on a block with display:block. And this has
> informed the size of the box in the reference result.
> WebKit obeys display:table by positioning the border as though it were
> on a
> <table> element, resulting in a block that looks smaller because the
> border
> is painted 'inside' the dimensions of the block. Which seems correct to
> me.


HTML <table> elements and CSS table (display: table) are not treated the
same when dealing with set width and set height in 'border-collapse:
separate' situations and when sum of columns is less than set width.

Section 17.6.1 states:

The width of the table is the distance from the left inner padding edge
to the right inner padding edge (including the border spacing but
excluding padding and border).

However, in HTML and XHTML1, the width of the <table> element is the
distance from the left border edge to the right border edge.

The statement should explicitly mention "excluding table padding and
table border": I have asked in
for such editorial addition along with a correction in a diagram in
section 17.6.1.

Also, section 17.5.3 states
The height of a table is given by the 'height' property for the 'table'
or 'inline-table' element.

Nowhere does it say that a set height on a table should include the
table borders.

Here, in abspos-containing-block-initial-004d, the minimum height
required by the anonymous table-row content is less than the specified
height for the 'display: table' element.


Testcases with regards to your question:


www-style discussion on your question:

[CSS21] Question on section 17.6.1 The separated borders model and width
of inline-table

regards, Gérard
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CSS 2.1 Test suite RC6, March 23rd 2011:

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Received on Saturday, 8 October 2011 16:31:10 UTC