Re: Corrections to the Implemention Reports

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 2:32 PM, Peter Linss <> wrote:
> If the currently published IR doesn't match actual results from the public
> beta then I suggest you publish an updated IR asap (replace the one on
> and send a note to www-style and this list when it's updated).

On this note, is it indeed acceptable to use current beta or dev
builds of Chrome for the IR?  I had heard chatter about it, and
apparently people are actually doing so, but as far as I know our pass
criteria still requires public versions and so Chrome's IR (against
RC1, and so somewhat obsolete now anyway) was done with Chrome 6,
which was the current public channel release at the time.  Is it
"public" if you can download the source from


Received on Thursday, 28 October 2010 08:44:48 UTC