Re: RC2 doesn't match SVN

On 10/04/2010 04:39 AM, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:
> Hey,
> It looks as if you must have a bunch of uncommitted stuff in your tree,
> as the RC2 as published doesn't match SVN at all. I've not looked
> through everything in detail, but there's at least all the
> first-letter-punct-before-* tests which don't appear at all in SVN.
> Also, SVN still doesn't actually build, as it still has file merge
> mismatch errors from support images.

The first-letter-punct-before-* tests are generated from SVN
via makefile in contributors/mozilla/submitted/first-letter-characters/

And yeah, I need to fix the patter-* mismatches. Currently I'm just
   find -iname 'pattern-*' | xargs rm
inside the contributors/ directory.


Received on Monday, 4 October 2010 14:33:13 UTC