CSS2.1 Test Suite Alpha 1 Published

I've posted a new snapshot of the CSS2.1 test suite on the w3.org website:

This version of the test suite snapshot should include all submitted tests,
whether or not they have passed review, except for:
   - hixie's tests, because they're missing the metadata for indexing
   - Mozilla's reftest submissions, because the build scripts don't know
     how to indicate the references associated with a test, and such tests
     would be extremely confusing if they just turned up in the ToC without

The w3.org build includes HTML versions of the files alongside the XHTML ones.
It also has a table of contents that indexes all the tests by the sections that
they claim to test. This last should be especially useful for finding out what
tests have been already written on a particular topic.

Please review the test suite and send feedback to public-css-testsuite@w3.org:

The latest source for all tests is available in the Subversion repository at:
Further information on contributing to the CSS test suites can be found here:



Received on Thursday, 28 January 2010 12:25:01 UTC