Re: t0511-c21-pseud-anch-00-e-i.htm: Test pass condition may need clarification

On 02/27/2009 05:37 PM, Arron Eicholz wrote:
> This test passes on all major browsers. However, it must be noted that all of them
> will display the test sentence as red while the mouse button is depressed and go
> back to green when released.
> We would suggest the following pass condition instead:
> "This sentence should be green unless it is activated".

I believe the test pass condition is stated correctly, the only clarification I can
think of would be to change "if you click it" to "while you click it".

The real question is, should an <a> element without a href attribute be "activateable".
If the HTMLWG is resolved that it can, then the test needs to be updated.


Received on Monday, 25 January 2010 08:57:33 UTC