RE: Microsoft's Chapter_9/positioning-float-002.htm

Hi Gerard,

I understand how you have measured it, however I am wondering if somebody (maybe a Web-Browser implementer) can tell me how the browser come to the 61px, we want to mimic the browser as much as possible in the resulting PDF we generate, however it seems that we use a little different approach how to position characters (or glyphs).

Thanks in advance for looking into this.

Best Regards,
Robert Stam
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Gérard Talbot" []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:07 PM
> To: Robert Stam
> Cc:; Arron Eicholz
> Subject: RE: Microsoft's Chapter_9/positioning-float-002.htm
> > Hi,
> >
> Hello Robert,
> > I have been trying to get the 'Filler text' positioned in 61px, however
> > I have no idea how to do this, can somebody please let me know where I
> > make any mistake.
> When I wrote about "Filler text", Times New Roman font and 61px, I meant
> to say that the <span>Filler text</span> in the testcase occupies a
> computed width of 61px. I have used Firefox's DOM inspector, Opera
> DragonFly, Konqueror's DOM treeviewer and IE8 developer tools (F12,
> select the span node, then select the Layout tab) to see, to get such
> 61px value. All browsers now have the ability to inspect almost any DOM
> node of a webpage and see its respective computed values for any CSS
> properties.
> {
> E.g.: in Opera 10.10, load the testcase, then Tools/Advanced/Developer
> tools/ and then in the lower left pane, choose DOM tab, click [+]body,
> then [+]div, then click <span>. Then in the lower right pane, click >
> Computed style then scroll down to view the width (or any other
> property, say, like font-family). You can hide the default values by
> clicking the button with a 0 in it.
> For Firefox DOM inspector 2.0.4, you need to download it and install it
> as an extension:
> etc.
> }
> So, can 3 "Filler text" separated by 2 white blank spaces fill into a 2
> inches width? 192px >= 3 * 61px + 2 blank spaces ? As I said, there is
> almost no leeway for the testcase.
> From there, I tested many more fonts and from there concluded that a
> wrapping div of 2 inches is just not wide enough for almost any fonts
> besides Times New Roman and Impact would fail. When the wrapping div is
> set to 15em (which equates to 240px) in the other version of the
> testcase, the testcase can still fail for Linux-based browsers and I
> have the maths to demonstrate this.
> The most important thing about the testcase is that it does not require
> the wrapping div to have any specified, fixed width to begin with. I see
> such mistake often in Microsoft's testcases: the wrapping div <div
> id="div1"> often has a fixed, specified width (which constraint the
> testcase from a layout perspective) when the testcase does not require
> so in order to test what the testcase is supposed to test.
> regards, Gérard Talbot
> >> Testcases involved are:
> >>
> >>
> >> sitioning-float-002.htm
> >> (using a width of 15em == 240px)
> >>
> >> and
> >>
> >>
> float-
> >> 002.htm
> >> (using a width of 2in == 192px)
> --
> Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite:
> CSS 2.1 test suite (alpha 2; March 16th 2010):
> CSS 2.1 test suite contributors:

Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2010 17:39:35 UTC