RE: Not compliant XHTML MS tests (IE8, BETA2)



At Chapter_16\Rules\text-001.htm: '▬', hexadecimal value 0x16, is an invalid character. Line 25, position 29.

The proposed solution is incorrect and should be:

Proposed solution: change line 25 into <div id="testDiv">X &#022; X</div>


Best Regards,

Robert Stam




From: [] On Behalf Of Robert Stam
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2008 9:20 PM
Subject: Not compliant XHTML MS tests (IE8, BETA2)




Some (26) test documents from the Microsoft suite  (available at: are not compliant XHTML (not well-formed or wrongly escaped).

I know some (or maybe all) of them are flagged as HTMLOnly, but I think it should be preferred if 

the XML is well-formed all the times.


Chapter_4\Rules\counters-002.htm: The '"' character, hexadecimal value 0x22, cannot be included in a name. Line 23, position 13.

Proposed solution: Remove " character.


Chapter_4\Rules\ident-001.htm: Name cannot begin with the '-' character, hexadecimal value 0x2D. Line 18, position 12.

Proposed solution: Remove invalid test (or maybe escape the - in the attribute name)


Chapter_4\Rules\ident-003.htm: Name cannot begin with the '-' character, hexadecimal value 0x2D. Line 18, position 12.

Proposed solution: Remove invalid test (or maybe escape the - in the attribute name)


Chapter_4\Rules\ident-004.htm: Name cannot begin with the '1' character, hexadecimal value 0x31. Line 18, position 12.

Proposed solution: Remove invalid test (or maybe escape the 1 in the attribute name)


Chapter_4\Rules\ident-005.htm: Name cannot begin with the '-' character, hexadecimal value 0x2D. Line 18, position 12.

Proposed solution: Remove invalid test (or maybe escape the - in the attribute name)


Chapter_4\Rules\invalid-decl-at-rule-001.htm: An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 16, position 21.

Proposed solution: Add CDATA section in <style type="text/css">


Please see the BETA1 submit also:


Chapter_4\invalid-decl-at-rule-001.htm: is flagged as invalid and does not need to validate


Hi Arron,

As Anne points out, all of these tests need to validate as XHTML.

If they are testing invalid CSS, then they shouldn't pass the

*CSS* validator, but they do need to validate as XHTML. Robert's suggetion of using a CDATA section would be the easiest way to fix the tests where CSS data is tripping up the XML parser.








Chapter_4\Rules\uri-004.htm: An error occurred while parsing EntityName. Line 13, position 61.

Proposed solution: Add CDATA section in <style type="text/css">


Chapter_5\Rules\attribute-value-selector-004.htm: Name cannot begin with the '1' character, hexadecimal value 0x31. Line 18, position 12.

Proposed solution: Remove invalid test (or maybe escape the 1 in the attribute name).


Chapter_6\Rules\HTML-attribute-023.htm: '/'is an unexpected token. The expected token is '='. Line 18, position 21.

Proposed solution: replace with <hr noshade="true" />


Chapter_6\Rules\HTML-attribute-024.htm: '>'is an unexpected token. The expected token is '='. Line 28 and 29, position 27.

Proposed solution: replace with <td nowrap="true" 


Chapter_6\Rules\user-stylesheet-002.htm: The 'p' start tag on line 14 does not match the end tag of 'body'. Line 16, position 7.

Proposed solution: replace last <p> on line 'Test passes if there is a green box below.' with </p>


Chapter_7\Rules\media-dependency-012.htm: The 'body' start tag on line 19 does not match the end tag of 'html'. Line 24, position 3.

Proposed solution: remove duplicated <body>


Chapter_9\Rules\viewport-004.htm: The 'frame' start tag on line 14 does not match the end tag of 'frameset'. Line 20, position 7.

Proposed solution: close frame like <frame src="../../Support/viewport-004-firstcanvas.htm" />

Notice that <frameset is not supported in XHTML 1.1


Chapter_16\Rules\text-001.htm: '▬', hexadecimal value 0x16, is an invalid character. Line 25, position 29.

Proposed solution: Add <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> as header in the file


Chapter_16\Rules\white-space-009.htm: '>' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '='. Line 33, position 27.

Proposed solution: replace with <td nowrap="true">


Chapter_16\Rules\white-space-011.htm: '>' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '='. Line 24, position 18.

Proposed solution: replace with <pre wrap="true">


Chapter_17\Rules\border-conflict-example-001.htm: The 'TD' start tag on line 42 does not match the end tag of 'TR'. Line 43, position 15.

Proposed solution: Close all TD elements (as well the COL). 

Notice that XHTML requires lowercase element names [we can notice that the HTMLonly flag].


Chapter_17\Rules\border-conflict-example-002.htm: '"' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '='. Line 9, position 20.

Proposed solution: Add an '=' so we have <style type="text/css">


Chapter_17\Rules\table-caption-optional-002.htm: The 'div' start tag on line 33 does not match the end tag of 'span'. Line 56, position 15.

Proposed solution: Remove the endtag on line 56  </span>


Chapter_17\Rules\table-height-algorithm-016.htm: '<' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '>'. Line 35, position 70.

Proposed solution: Add additional > to line 35 so we have <div id="small">FillerText</div>


Chapter_17\Rules\table-height-algorithm-030.htm: The 'body' start tag on line 28 does not match the end tag of 'p'. Line 30, position 11.

Proposed solution: Remove </p> on line 30


Chapter_17\Rules\table-intro-example-001.htm: The 'td' start tag on line 39 does not match the end tag of 'table'. Line 40,position 11.

Proposed solution: close all tags (tr, th and td) properly


Chapter_17\Rules\table-intro-example-002.htm: The 'td' start tag on line 39 does not match the end tag of 'table'. Line 40,position 11.

Proposed solution: close all tags (tr, th and td) properly


Chapter_17\Rules\table-intro-example-003.htm: The 'td' start tag on line 37 does not match the end tag of 'table'. Line 38,position 11.

Proposed solution: close all tags (tr, th and td) properly


Chapter_17\Rules\table-intro-example-004.htm: The 'td' start tag on line 34 does not match the end tag of 'table'. Line 35,position 11.

Proposed solution: close all tags (tr, th and td) properly


Chapter_17\Rules\table-layer-transparency-example-001.htm: The 'td' start tag on line 36 does not match the end tag of 'table'. Line 37, position 11.

Proposed solution: close all tags (tr and td) properly


Please let me know if you want to receive the updated files as well.


Best Regards,

Robert Stam




Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2008 18:27:56 UTC