CSS2.1 Test Suite "Kickoff" Meeting

I recently suggested to the CSSWG members that we should hold a meeting among
QA people to introduce them to the CSS2.1 Conformance Test Suite guidelines,
format, and contribution process. Microsoft's QA team is ready to get involved
now, so we've scheduled a telecon for next week. QA people from other companies
are welcome to join, as is anyone else who is interested in contributing to the
CSS2.1 Conformance Test Suite.

The time is:

   Tuesday 26 June
     10:00 / 10:00am San Francisco
     13:00 / 1:00pm New York
     17:00 / 5:00pm UTC
     18:00 / 6:00pm London
     19:00 / 7:00pm Paris/Oslo/Berlin/Etc.
    Wednesday 27 June
     5:00 / 5:00am Auckland
     1:00 / 1:00am Beijing
   All time zones: [1]

I've booked two hours on the conference bridge, not sure how much of it we'll use.
If you're interested in participating, send me an email and I'll reply with the
conference details (number/passcode). I'm not posting here because I need to know
approx how many people will attend so I can reserve enough slots.

Backchannel IRC is irc.w3.org port 6665 channel #css-test
You will need an IRC client, and if you are participating you *should* be connected
via IRC. It is much easier to pass around URLs and code snippets that way. Also if
you're having trouble connecting or decide to join at the last minute, ask for help

Wiki page for the CSS2.1 test suite is http://csswg.inkedblade.net/test/css2.1



Received on Wednesday, 20 June 2007 19:32:20 UTC