Workshop schedule


I would like thank to all who submitted position paper.

We have 7 papers in total, but only 6 can be presented in Prague
(Guillaume from WeasyPrint project can't make it to Prague).

I propose the following schedule:

30 minutes - Introducing how W3C CSS WG works (Rachel Andrew)
60 minutes - Presentation of key points from position papers:
 10 minutes - Antenna House (Michael Miller)
 10 minutes - Compart (Katharina Udemadu)
 10 minutes - Hachette (Dave Cramer)
 10 minutes - Andreas Jung
 10 minutes - paged.js (Julie Blanc)
 10 minutes - Liam Quin
30 minutes - Coffe Break
90 minutes - Discussion

Any objections, comments, suggestions to this proposal?
(I have listed position papers in alphabetical order.)

Once we have agreement on this I will update workshop page

Also Rachel agreed to chair this workshop. Dave already volunteered to
take minutes. But it would be good to have at least one another scribe
to spread scribing burden. I have been thinking about Liam as he is
familiar with this?

I'm looking forward seeing you in Prague.


  Jirka Kosek      e-mail:
     Professional XML and Web consulting and training services
DocBook/DITA customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
    Bringing you XML Prague conference

Received on Wednesday, 5 February 2020 22:45:19 UTC