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RCS file: /sources/public/csswg/css3-ruby/Overview.html,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- Overview.html	31 Jan 2011 20:03:40 -0000	1.9
+++ Overview.html	15 Jun 2011 18:27:44 -0000	1.10
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 <dt>Previous version:</dt>
-  <dt>Editors:</dt>
+  <dt>Editor:</dt>
      <dd><a href="mailto:rishida@w3.org">Richard Ishida (W3C)</a></dd>
  <dt>Former editors:</dt>
     <dd><a href="mailto:paulnel@microsoft.com">Paul Nelson (Microsoft)</a></dd>
@@ -108,126 +108,48 @@
 <p class="issue">Text marked as an &quot;<span class="issuehead">Issue</span>&quot; and any change-marked text all indicate proposals that are currently awaiting or under discussion. All such text is subject to modification or removal. Once it is felt that the proposal is acceptable, the change marks will be removed.</p>
 <p class="issue">See <a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/products/25"> open issues in
-<p><strong style=""><ins>This document is an editors' copy that has no official standing.</ins></strong></p>
+<p><strong style="">This document is an editors' copy that has no official standing.</strong></p>
-<p><ins><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of
+<p><em>This section describes the status of this document at the time of
     its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of
     current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report
     can be found in the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/">W3C technical reports
-    index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.</a></em></ins></p>
+    index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.</a></em></p>
-<p><ins>Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C
+<p>Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C
     Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or
     obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite
-    this document as other than work in progress.</ins></p>
+    this document as other than work in progress.</p>
-<p><ins>The (<a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/">archived</a>)
+<p>The (<a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/">archived</a>)
     public mailing list <a href="mailto:www-style@w3.org">www-style@w3.org</a> (see <a href="http://www.w3.org/Mail/Request">instructions</a>) is preferred for
     discussion of this specification. When sending e-mail, please put the
     text “css3-ruby” in the subject, preferably like this:
-    “[<!---->css3-ruby<!---->] <em>…summary of comment…</em>”</ins></p>
+    “[<!---->css3-ruby<!---->] <em>…summary of comment…</em>”</p>
-<p><ins>This document was produced by the <a href="/Style/CSS/members">CSS
-    Working Group</a> (part of the <a href="/Style/">Style Activity</a>).</ins></p>
+<p>This document was produced by the <a href="/Style/CSS/members">CSS
+    Working Group</a> (part of the <a href="/Style/">Style Activity</a>).</p>
-<p><ins>This document was produced by a group operating under the <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/">5 February
+<p>This document was produced by a group operating under the <a href="http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/">5 February
     2004 W3C Patent Policy</a>. W3C maintains a <a href="/Style/CSS/Disclosures" rel="disclosure">public list of any patent
     disclosures</a> made in connection with the deliverables of the group;
     that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An
     individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual
     believes contains <a href="/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#def-essential">Essential
     Claim(s)</a> must disclose the information in accordance with <a href="/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20040205/#sec-Disclosure">section 6 of
-    the W3C Patent Policy</a>.</ins></p>
+ the W3C Patent Policy</a>.</p>
-<p><ins>This document contains the <abbr title="Cascading Style
+<p>This document contains the <abbr title="Cascading Style
     Sheets">CSS3</abbr> Ruby Module W3C <a href="http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#RecsWD"> Working
-    Draft</a> of 3 February 2010.</ins></p>
+    Draft</a> of 3 February 2010.</p>
-<p><ins>The comments that the CSS WG received during the previous Last Call review,
+<p>The comments that the CSS WG received during the previous Last Call review,
 	together with responses and resulting changes are listed in the <a
-href="/Style/2003/css3-ruby-last-call">disposition of comments.</a></ins></p>
-<p><del>This specification is one of the CSS level "modules".`It has been developed 
-	by the CSS Working Group which is
-	part of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/">Style activity</a> (see
-	<a href="http://www.w3.org/Style/Activity">summary</a>). It contains
-	features to be included for CSS level 3.</del></p>
-<p><del>This is a <a href="/TR/#About">Candidate Recommendation,</a> which
-means W3C believes the specification is ready to be implemented.
-<p><del>All persons are encouraged to review and implement this
-specification and send comments to the (<a href=
-"http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/">archived</a>) public
-mailing list <a href="mailto:www-style@w3.org">www-style</a> (see <a
-href="http://www.w3.org/Mail/Request">instructions</a>). W3C Members
-can also send comments directly to the CSS Working Group.</del></p>
-<p><del>For this specification to become a W3C Recommendation, the
-following criteria must be met</del>:</p>
-  <li><p><del>There must be at least two interoperable implementations for
-  every feature in the specification.</del></p>
-  <p><del>For the purposes of this criterion, we define the following
-  terms:</del></p>
-  <dl>
-    <dt><del>feature</del> </dt>
-    <dd><del>a section or subsection in the specification</del></dd>
-    <dt><del>interoperable</del> </dt>
-    <dd><del>passing the respective test case(s) in the test suite, or, if
-    the implementation is not a web browser, an equivalent test. Every
-    relevant test in the test suite should have an equivalent test
-    created if such a user agent (UA) is to be used to claim
-    interoperability. In addition if such a UA is to be used to claim
-    interoperability, then there must one or more additional UAs which
-    can also pass those equivalent tests in the same way for the
-    purpose of interoperability. The equivalent tests must be made
-    publically available for the purposes of peer review.</del></dd>
-    <dt><del>implementation</del> </dt>
-    <dd><p><del>a user agent which:</del></p>
-    <ol>
-      <li><del>implements the feature.</del></li> 
-      <li><del>is available (i.e. publicly downloadable or available
-      through some other public point of sale mechanism). This is the
-      "show me" requirement.</del></li>
-      <li><del>is shipping (i.e. development, private or unofficial
-      versions are insufficient).</del></li>
-      <li><del>is not experimental (i.e. is intended for a wide audience
-      and could be used on a daily basis.)</del></li>
-    </ol></dd>
-  </dl></li>
-  <li><del>A minimum of six months of the CR period must have elapsed. This
-  is to ensure that enough time is given for any remaining major
-  errors to be caught.</del></li>
-<p><del>The comments that the CSS WG received on the last working draft,
-together with responses and resulting changes are listed in the <a
-href="/Style/2003/css3-ruby-last-call">disposition of comments.</a></del></p>
-<p><del>Patent disclosures relevant to CSS may be found on the Working
-Group's public <a href="/Style/CSS/Disclosures">patent disclosure
-<p><del>To find the latest version of this specification, please follow the
-"Latest version" link above, or visit the list of W3C <a
-href="http://www.w3.org/TR/">Technical Reports</a>.</del></p>
+href="/Style/2003/css3-ruby-last-call">disposition of comments.</a></p>
 <div class="subtoc">
-<h2><a id="Contents">Contents</a></h2>
+  <h2><a id="Contents">Contents</a></h2>
 <ul class="toc">
   <li class="tocline2"><a href="#dependencies" class="tocxref">1. Dependencies</a></li>
   <li class="tocline2"><a href="#introduction" class="tocxref">2. Introduction</a>
@@ -282,7 +204,7 @@
 <h3><a id="conventions">2.1 Document conventions</a></h3>
-<p>There <del>is</del><ins>are</ins> a number of illustrations in this document for which the following
+<p>There are a number of illustrations in this document for which the following
 legend is used:</p>
 <p><img alt="Symbolic wide-cell glyph representation" class="example"
@@ -318,7 +240,7 @@
 immediate vicinity of another run of text, referred to as the "base", and
 serves as an annotation or a pronunciation guide associated with that run of
 text. Ruby, as used in Japanese, is described in JIS X-4051 [<a
-href="#jis4051">JIS4051</a>]<ins> (in Japanese) and  in Requirements for Japanese Text Layout [<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>] (in English and Japanese)</ins>]. The ruby structure and the XHTML markup to represent it
+href="#jis4051">JIS4051</a>] (in Japanese) and  in Requirements for Japanese Text Layout [<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>] (in English and Japanese)]. The ruby structure and the XHTML markup to represent it
 is described in the Ruby Annotation [<a href="#ruby">RUBY</a>] specification. This
 section describes the CSS properties relevant to ruby. The following figures
 show two examples of Ruby.</p>
@@ -343,7 +265,7 @@
 <p>In the first example, a single annotation is used to annotate the base 
-sequence. In Japanese typography, this simple case is sometimes called&nbsp; &quot;<span lang="ja">taigo</span> ruby&quot;<ins> or group-ruby </ins> (per-word ruby).</p>
+sequence. In Japanese typography, this simple case is sometimes called&nbsp; &quot;<span lang="ja">taigo</span> ruby&quot; or group-ruby  (per-word ruby).</p>
 <p>In the second example, multiple annotations are attached to a base
 sequence, the hiragana characters on top refer to the pronunciation of each of the
@@ -353,14 +275,14 @@
 and the last two Kanji characters
 of the base. To allow correct association between the hiragana characters and 
 their corresponding Kanji base characters, the spacing between these Kanji 
-characters may be adjusted (this happens <del>to</del><ins>around</ins> the fourth Kanji character in the 
-figure 2.<del>1</del><ins>2</ins>.2 above).</p>
+characters may be adjusted (this happens around the fourth Kanji character in the 
+figure 2.2.2 above).</p>
 <p class="Note"><span class="note-label">Note:</span> To avoid variable spacing between the Kanji 
 characters in the example above the hiragana annotations can also be created as 
 a simple annotation ruby.</p>
-<p>The two examples correspond respectively to two types of ruby: <del>a </del>simple ruby using <del>a</del> simple ruby markup and <del>a </del>complex ruby using <del>a</del> complex ruby
+<p>The two examples correspond respectively to two types of ruby: simple ruby using  simple ruby markup and complex ruby using  complex ruby
 <h2><a id="css-model">3. The CSS ruby model</a></h2>
@@ -625,7 +547,7 @@
         <tr align="left"><th>Name:</th><th id="ruby-position">ruby-position</th></tr>
-            <td>before | after | <del>right</del><ins>bopomofo</ins><ins> | inline</ins></td>
+            <td>before | after | inter-character | inline</td>
@@ -653,8 +575,7 @@
-<p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> <strong>NOTE: The change marks in this section are proposals  that have yet to be discussed. They do not indicate an intention on the part of the working group to adopt those edits. They are made as a baseline from which to begin discussion.</strong></p>
-<p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> I am proposing that we replace 'right' with 'bopomofo', since that was its original intended purpose and such removes potential ambiguity with 'inline' or 'before'.  Bopomofo ruby needs special handling by the implementation, if ruby is to always appear to the right. (Note that the user may also choose to position bopomofo ruby before the base, in which case they would use the normal 'before' setting.)</p>
+<p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> We replaced 'right' with 'inter-character', since that was its original intended purpose and such removes potential ambiguity with 'inline' or 'before'.  Bopomofo ruby needs special handling by the implementation, if ruby is to always appear to the right. (Note that the user may also choose to position bopomofo ruby before the base, in which case they would use the normal 'before' setting.)</p>
 <p>This property is used by the parent of elements with display: ruby-text to
   control the position of the ruby text with respect to its base. Such parents
   are typically either the <samp>ruby</samp> element itself (simple ruby) or the
@@ -714,18 +635,16 @@
       to Japanese text</p>
-  <dt><strong><del>right</del><ins>bopomofo</ins></strong></dt>
+  <dt><strong>inter-character</strong></dt>
-	  <p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> I am proposing that we replace 'right' with 'bopomofo', since that was its original intended purpose and such removes potential ambiguity with 'inline' or 'before'.  Bopomofo ruby needs special handling by the implementation, if ruby is to always appear to the right. (Note that the user may also choose to position bopomofo ruby before the base, in which case they would use the normal 'before' setting.) Need agreement that bopomofo is a suitable replacement for right. See <a href="http://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?keywords=&amp;hdr-1-name=subject&amp;hdr-1-query=[CSS3+Ruby]%20Vertical+layout+not+enough+for+bopomofo&amp;hdr-2-name=from&amp;hdr-2-query=&amp;hdr-3-name=message-id&amp;hdr-3-query=&amp;index-grp=Member__FULL+Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-i18n-core%40w3.org&amp;resultsperpage=20&amp;sortby=date">this thread</a> following a request from the i18n WG.</p>
+	  <p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> We replaced 'right' with 'inter-character', since that was its original intended purpose and such removes potential ambiguity with 'inline' or 'before'.  Bopomofo ruby needs special handling by the implementation, if ruby is to always appear to the right. (Note that the user may also choose to position bopomofo ruby before the base, in which case they would use the normal 'before' setting.)  See <a href="http://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?keywords=&amp;hdr-1-name=subject&amp;hdr-1-query=[CSS3+Ruby]%20Vertical+layout+not+enough+for+bopomofo&amp;hdr-2-name=from&amp;hdr-2-query=&amp;hdr-3-name=message-id&amp;hdr-3-query=&amp;index-grp=Member__FULL+Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-i18n-core%40w3.org&amp;resultsperpage=20&amp;sortby=date">this thread</a> following a request from the i18n WG.</p>
 	  <p>The ruby text appears on the right of the base. Unlike 'before' and
       'after', this value is visual and is not relative to the text flow direction.</p>
-      <p><del>Note the</del><ins>This value is provided for the</ins> special case of traditional Chinese as used especially in
+      <p>This value is provided for the special case of traditional Chinese as used especially in
       Taiwan: ruby (made of <a href="#g-bopomofo"><span
-      lang="zh">bopomofo</span></a> glyphs) in that context <del>can</del> appear<ins>s vertically </ins>along
-      the right side of the base glyph, <del>as if the text were in vertical
-      layout, but the bases themselves are rendered on a horizontal line,
-      since the actual layout is horizontal</del><ins>whether the layout of the base characters is vertical or horizontal</ins>:</p>
+      lang="zh">bopomofo</span></a> glyphs) in that context  appears vertically along
+      the right side of the base glyph, whether the layout of the base characters is vertical or horizontal:</p>
       <div class="figure">
       <p><img alt="Example of Taiwanese-style ruby" class="example"
@@ -734,23 +653,18 @@
       traditional Chinese (ruby text shown in blue for clarity) in horizontal
-      <p><del>In order to achieve that effect, vertical-ideographic layout should
-      be set on each individual ruby. That can be accomplished with the
-      following simple CSS rule:</del></p>
-      <pre><del>ruby.bopomofo { writing-mode: tb-rl }</del></pre>
       <p class="note"><span class="note-label">Note:</span> The bopomofo 
       transcription is written in the normal way as part of the ruby text. 
       The user agent is responsible for ensuring the correct relative alignment 
       and positioning of the glyphs, including those corresponding to the 
-      tone marks, when displaying<del> as vertical ruby</del>.<ins> Tone marks are spacing characters that occur in memory at the end of the ruby text for each base character. They are usually displayed in a separate column to the right of the bopomofo characters, and the height of the tone mark depends on the number of characters in the syllable. One tone mark, however, is placed above the bopomofo, not to the right of it.</ins></p>
-      <p class="note"><ins><span class="note-label">Note:</span> To make bopomofo annotations appear before or after the base text, like annotations for most other East Asian writing systems, use the 'before' and 'after' values of ruby-position.</ins></p>
-	  <p><ins>It is not defined how a user-agent should handle ruby text that is not bopomofo when the value of ruby-position is set to 'right'.</ins></p>
+      tone marks, when displaying. Tone marks are spacing characters that occur in memory at the end of the ruby text for each base character. They are usually displayed in a separate column to the right of the bopomofo characters, and the height of the tone mark depends on the number of characters in the syllable. One tone mark, however, is placed above the bopomofo, not to the right of it.</p>
+      <p class="note"><span class="note-label">Note:</span> To make bopomofo annotations appear before or after the base text, like annotations for most other East Asian writing systems, use the 'before' and 'after' values of ruby-position.</p>
+	  <p>It is not defined how a user-agent should handle ruby text that is not bopomofo when the value of ruby-position is set to 'right'.</p>
-<p><ins>Ruby text follows the ruby base with no special styling.  The value can be used to disable  ruby text positioning.</ins></p>
-<p><ins>If the author has used the XHTML <samp>rp</samp> element [<a href="#ruby">RUBY</a>] they should set the <samp>display</samp> value for that element to <samp>inline</samp>, so that the ruby text is distinguishable from the base text.  If no <samp>rp</samp> element has been used, the author can use the <samp>content</samp> property with the <samp>:before</samp> and <samp>:after</samp> pseudo-elements to set off the ruby text. </ins></p>
+<p>Ruby text follows the ruby base with no special styling.  The value can be used to disable  ruby text positioning.</p>
+<p>If the author has used the XHTML <samp>rp</samp> element [<a href="#ruby">RUBY</a>] they should set the <samp>display</samp> value for that element to <samp>inline</samp>, so that the ruby text is distinguishable from the base text.  If no <samp>rp</samp> element has been used, the author can use the <samp>content</samp> property with the <samp>:before</samp> and <samp>:after</samp> pseudo-elements to set off the ruby text. </p>
 <p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> Here is a <a href="http://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?keywords=&amp;hdr-1-name=subject&amp;hdr-1-query=[CSS3+Ruby]%20inline+value+description+missing&amp;hdr-2-name=from&amp;hdr-2-query=&amp;hdr-3-name=message-id&amp;hdr-3-query=&amp;index-grp=Member__FULL+Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-i18n-core%40w3.org&amp;resultsperpage=20&amp;sortby=date">request </a>for this section to be added, from the i18n WG..</p>
@@ -798,7 +712,7 @@
 <p>This property can be used on any element to control the text alignment of
 the ruby text and ruby base contents relative to each other. It applies to all
-the ruby<del>'</del>s in the element. For simple ruby, the alignment is applied to the
+the rubys in the element. For simple ruby, the alignment is applied to the
 ruby child element whose content is shorter: either the <a
 href="http://www.w3.org/TR/ruby/#rb"><samp>rb</samp></a>   element or the <a
 href="http://www.w3.org/TR/ruby/#rt"><samp>rt</samp></a> element [<a
@@ -813,7 +727,7 @@
     <dd>The user agent determines how the ruby contents are aligned. This is
-      the initial value. The behavior recommended by <del>[<a href="#jis4051">JIS4051</a>]</del><ins>[<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>]</ins> is for <del>a</del> wide-cell ruby <del>is</del> to be aligned in the 'distribute-space' mode:
+      the initial value. The behavior recommended by [<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>] is for  wide-cell ruby  to be aligned in the 'distribute-space' mode:
 <div class="figure">
       <p><img class="example" width="145" height="91"
       alt="Diagram of glyph layout in auto aligned ruby when ruby text is shorter than base"
@@ -823,7 +737,7 @@
       <p><b>Figure 4.2.1</b>: Wide-cell text in 'auto' ruby alignment is
       'distribute-space' justified</p>
-      <p>The recommended behavior for <del>a</del> narrow-cell glyph ruby is to be
+      <p>The recommended behavior for  narrow-cell glyph ruby is to be
       aligned in the 'center' mode.</p>
       <div class="figure">
@@ -838,11 +752,10 @@
       is centered</p>
-  <dt><strong><del>start</del></strong></dt>
     <dd>The ruby text content is aligned with the start edge of the base.
-	 <p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> The i18n WG feels that start and left should not be synonymous. Can we drop left (there is no left/right in overhang)? See <a href="http://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?keywords=&amp;hdr-1-name=subject&amp;hdr-1-query=[CSS3+Ruby]%20left/start+and+right/end&amp;hdr-2-name=from&amp;hdr-2-query=&amp;hdr-3-name=message-id&amp;hdr-3-query=&amp;index-grp=Member__FULL+Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-i18n-core%40w3.org&amp;resultsperpage=20&amp;sortby=date">this thread</a>.</p>
+	 <p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> The i18n WG feels that start and left should not be synonymous, and proposed to drop left (there is no left/right in overhang)? See <a href="http://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?keywords=&amp;hdr-1-name=subject&amp;hdr-1-query=[CSS3+Ruby]%20left/start+and+right/end&amp;hdr-2-name=from&amp;hdr-2-query=&amp;hdr-3-name=message-id&amp;hdr-3-query=&amp;index-grp=Member__FULL+Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-i18n-core%40w3.org&amp;resultsperpage=20&amp;sortby=date">this thread</a>.</p>
       <div class="figure">
@@ -868,10 +781,9 @@
       <p><b>Figure 4.2.4</b>: Center ruby alignment</p>
-  <dt><strong><del>end</del></strong></dt>
     <dd>The ruby text content is aligned with the end edge of the base.
-    	<p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> The i18n WG feels that end and right should not be synonymous. Can we drop right (there is no left/right in overhang)? See <a href="http://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?keywords=&amp;hdr-1-name=subject&amp;hdr-1-query=[CSS3+Ruby]%20left/start+and+right/end&amp;hdr-2-name=from&amp;hdr-2-query=&amp;hdr-3-name=message-id&amp;hdr-3-query=&amp;index-grp=Member__FULL+Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-i18n-core%40w3.org&amp;resultsperpage=20&amp;sortby=date">this thread</a>.</p>
+    	<p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> The i18n WG feels that end and right should not be synonymous, and proposed to drop right (there is no left/right in overhang)? See <a href="http://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?keywords=&amp;hdr-1-name=subject&amp;hdr-1-query=[CSS3+Ruby]%20left/start+and+right/end&amp;hdr-2-name=from&amp;hdr-2-query=&amp;hdr-3-name=message-id&amp;hdr-3-query=&amp;index-grp=Member__FULL+Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-i18n-core%40w3.org&amp;resultsperpage=20&amp;sortby=date">this thread</a>.</p>
 <div class="figure">
 	<p><img class="example" width="145" height="91"
       alt="Diagram of glyph layout in right aligned ruby when ruby text is shorter than base"
@@ -907,9 +819,8 @@
       the ruby text. If the width of the ruby text is at least the width of
       the base, then the same type of space distribution applies to the base.
       In other words, if the base is shorter than the ruby text, the base is
-      distribute-space aligned. <ins>This type of alignment
-      is described by [<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>].</ins><del> This type of alignment is sometimes referred
-      to as the "1:2:1" alignment [<a href="#jis4051">JIS4051</a>].</del>
+      distribute-space aligned. This type of alignment
+      is described by [<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>].
 		<div class="figure">
       <p><img class="example" width="145" height="91"
       alt="Diagram of glyph layout in distribute-space aligned ruby when ruby text is shorter than base"
@@ -924,7 +835,7 @@
       'auto'. If it is adjacent to a line edge, then it is still aligned as in
       auto, but the side of the ruby text that touches the end of the line is
       lined up with the corresponding edge of the base. This type of alignment
-      is <del>specified</del><ins>described</ins> by <del>[<a href="#jis4051">JIS4051</a>]</del><ins>[<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>]</ins>. This type of alignment is
+      is described by [<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>]. This type of alignment is
       relevant only to the scenario where the ruby text is longer than the
       ruby base. In the other scenarios, this is just 'auto'.
 		<div class="figure">
@@ -994,15 +905,13 @@
 overhang glyphs belonging to another ruby base. <span class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> This rule must be broken if we are to allow support for jukugo ruby.</span> Also the user agent is free to assume
 a maximum amount by which ruby text may overhang adjacent text. The user agent may use
 the [<a href="#jis4051">JIS4051</a>] recommendation of using one ruby text character
-length as the maximum overhang length. <ins>Detailed rules for how ruby text can overhang adjacent characters for Japanese are described by [<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>].</ins></p>
+length as the maximum overhang length. Detailed rules for how ruby text can overhang adjacent characters for Japanese are described by [<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>].</p>
 <p>Possible values:</p>
-    <dd>The ruby text can overhang text adjacent to the base on either side.
-      	<ins> [<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>] and </ins>[<a href="#jis4051">JIS4051</a>] specif<del>ies</del><ins>y</ins> the categories of characters that
-      ruby text can overhang. The user agent is free to follow <del>the [<a
-      href="#jis4051">JIS4051</a>]</del><ins>those</ins> recommendation<ins>s</ins> or specify its own classes of
+    <dd>The ruby text can overhang text adjacent to the base on either side.   	  [<a href="#jlreq">JLREQ</a>] and [<a href="#jis4051">JIS4051</a>] specify the categories of characters that
+      ruby text can overhang. The user agent is free to follow those recommendations or specify its own classes of
       characters to overhang. This is the initial value.
 		<div class="figure">
       <p><img class="example" width="177" height="91"
@@ -1011,9 +920,9 @@
-    <dd>The ruby text can <ins>only </ins>overhang the text that precedes it. That means, for
-      example, that ruby can<ins>not</ins> overhang text that is to the <del>left</del><ins>right</ins> of it in
-      horizontal LTR layout, <del>or </del><ins>and </ins>it can<ins>not</ins> overhang text that is <del>above</del><ins>below</ins> it in
+    <dd>The ruby text can only overhang the text that precedes it. That means, for
+      example, that ruby cannot overhang text that is to the right of it in
+      horizontal LTR layout, and it cannot overhang text that is below it in
       vertical-ideographic layout.
 		<div class="figure">
       <p><img class="example" width="199" height="91"
@@ -1023,9 +932,9 @@
-    <dd>The ruby text can <ins>only </ins>overhang the text that follows it. That means, for
-      example, that ruby can<ins>not</ins> overhang text that is to the <del>right</del><ins>left</ins> of it in
-      horizontal LTR layout, <del>or</del><ins>and</ins> it can<ins>not</ins> overhang text that is <del>below</del><ins>above</ins> it in
+    <dd>The ruby text can only overhang the text that follows it. That means, for
+      example, that ruby cannot overhang text that is to the left of it in
+      horizontal LTR layout, and it cannot overhang text that is above it in
       vertical-ideographic layout.
 		<div class="figure">
       <p><img class="example" width="198" height="91"
@@ -1102,7 +1011,7 @@
 <p>The following example shows an XML example using the 'display' property 
 values associated with the 'ruby structure and the 'ruby-span' property</p>
-<pre class="xml">myruby       { display: ruby<del>-base</del>; }
+<pre class="xml">myruby       { display: ruby; }
 myrbc        { display: ruby-base-container; }
 myrb         { display: ruby-base; }
 myrtc.before { display: ruby-text-container; ruby-position: before}
@@ -1189,7 +1098,7 @@
 <p class="issue"><span class="issuehead">Issue:&nbsp;</span> The i18n WG has requested the addition of a sample user agent default style sheet, as promised by Ruby Annotation section 3.4. See <a href="http://www.w3.org/Search/Mail/Public/advanced_search?keywords=&amp;hdr-1-name=subject&amp;hdr-1-query=[CSS3+Ruby]%20Default+stylesheet&amp;hdr-2-name=from&amp;hdr-2-query=&amp;hdr-3-name=message-id&amp;hdr-3-query=&amp;index-grp=Member__FULL+Public__FULL&amp;index-type=t&amp;type-index=public-i18n-core%40w3.org&amp;resultsperpage=20&amp;sortby=date">this thread</a>.</p>
 <h2><a id="profiles">6. Profiles</a></h2>
-<p>There are two modules defined by this <del>chapter</del><ins>module</ins>:</p>
+<p>There are two modules defined by this module:</p>
 <p>CSS3 Simple Ruby model</p>
@@ -1267,21 +1176,8 @@
       Available at:
     <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512">http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-CSS2-19980512</a></dd>
-  <dt><del>[<a id="CSS3TEXT">CSS3TEXT</a>]</del></dt>
-    <dd><del><em>CSS3 module: Text</em> (working draft)</del></dd>
-    <dd><del>Michel Suignard; 24 October 2002<br />
-      Available at: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-text-20021024">http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-css3-text-20021024</a></del></dd>
-  <dt><del>[<a id="html4">HTML4</a>]</del></dt>
-<dd><del><em>HTML 4.01 Specification, W3C Recommendation</em></del></dd>
-<dd><del>Dave Raggett, Arnaud Le Hors and Ian Jacobs, 18 December 1997, latest
-revised 24 December 1999<br />
-Available at: <a
-  <dt>[<a id="jis4051">JIS4051</a>]<span class="issue"><span class="issuehead"> Issue:&nbsp;</span> Change this to the 2004 version of the spec.</span></dt>
+<dt>[<a id="jis4051">JIS4051</a>]<span class="issue"><span class="issuehead"> Issue:&nbsp;</span> Change this to the 2004 version of the spec.</span></dt>
     <dd><em>Line composition rules for Japanese documents </em>(<span lang="ja">日本語文書の行組版方法</span>)</dd>
     <dd>JIS X 4051-1995, Japanese Standards Association, 1995 (in
@@ -1291,11 +1187,11 @@
   (<span lang="ja">日本語文書の組版指定交換形式</span>) </dd>
   <dd>JIS X 4052:2000, Japanese Standards Association, 2000 (in Japanese)</dd>
-  <dt><ins>[<a id="jlreq">JLREQ</a>]</ins></dt>
-  <dd><ins><em>&quot;<cite>Requirements for Japanese Text Layout, W3C WG Note</cite>&quot;</em> 
-  (<span lang="ja">日本語組版処理の要件(日本語版)</span>)</ins></dd>
-  <dd><ins>Yasuhiro Anan (阿南 康宏), Hiroyuki Chiba (千葉 弘幸), Junsaburo Edamoto (枝本 順三郎), Richard Ishida, Keiichiro Ishino (石野 恵一郎), Tatsuo Kobayashi (小林 龍生), Toshi Kobayashi (小林 敏), Kenzou Onozawa (小野澤 賢三), Felix Sasaki, 4 June 2009,<br />
-  Available at: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/">http://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/</a>, and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-jlreq-20090604/ja/">in Japanese</a></ins></dd>
+  <dt>[<a id="jlreq">JLREQ</a>]</dt>
+  <dd><em>&quot;<cite>Requirements for Japanese Text Layout, W3C WG Note</cite>&quot;</em> 
+  (<span lang="ja">日本語組版処理の要件(日本語版)</span>)</dd>
+  <dd>Yasuhiro Anan (阿南 康宏), Hiroyuki Chiba (千葉 弘幸), Junsaburo Edamoto (枝本 順三郎), Richard Ishida, Keiichiro Ishino (石野 恵一郎), Tatsuo Kobayashi (小林 龍生), Toshi Kobayashi (小林 敏), Kenzou Onozawa (小野澤 賢三), Felix Sasaki, 4 June 2009,<br />
+  Available at: <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/">http://www.w3.org/TR/jlreq/</a>, and <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/NOTE-jlreq-20090604/ja/">in Japanese</a></dd>
   <dt>[<a id="rfc2119">RFC 2119</a>]</dt>
   <dd>  Scott Bradner, <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt"><cite>Key words 
@@ -1329,14 +1225,7 @@
 <a href="http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr11/tr11-10.html">http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr11/tr11-10</a></dd>
-  <dt><del>[<a id="xsl">XSL</a>]</del></dt>
-<dd><del><em>Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.0, W3C  Recommendation</em></del></dd>
-<dd><del>Sharon Adler, Stephen Deach, et al., 15 October 2001<br />
-Available at:
-<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xsl-20011015/">
 [<a id="xhtml-mod">XHTMLMOD</a>]</dt>

Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2011 18:27:48 UTC