from February 2015 by subject

[Bug 16016] Place some constraints on when computed values must be deemed to change

[Bug 16062] Behavior for out-of-range values needs to be defined

[Bug 16122] Automatically reversing transitions and multiple transition-delays

[Bug 16265] Define transition for "z-index: auto"

[Bug 19640] Make BOM take precedence over HTTP-level charset

[Bug 24159] Is returning a noninteger Window.innerWidth/innerHeight/outerWidth/outerHeight web-compatible?

[Bug 25411] Confusion over the specularExponent attribute

[Bug 26432] Specify that filter regions clip input

[Bug 27181] [Editorial][om] Add examples, and note

[Bug 27464] Resolving units when filterUnits="objectBoundingBox"

[Bug 27651] Feature request: transition-out

[Bug 27983] New: [Editorial] Note on at-charset utf-16 wrong

[Bug 27992] New: Range#getClientRects for Text node using multiple fonts

[Bug 28000] New: Use UA style instead of prose to handle the exception of transform-origin for SVG

[Bug 28053] New: Clarify the parsing of the animation shorthand

[Bug 28055] New: @viewport descriptors should not cascade separately

[Bug 28056] New: Add initial-viewport-width/initial-viewport-height

[Bug 28068] Should ProcessingInstruction implement LinkStyle?

Last message date: Wednesday, 25 February 2015 00:24:06 UTC