[Bug 10533] [scroll] Remove the scrollIntoView() section in favour of the CSSOM spec
[Bug 10533] Remove the scrollIntoView() section
[Bug 10533] Spec the non-visual aspects of scrollIntoView() as removed from HTML
[Bug 14071] [CSSOMVIEW] Screen.{color,pixel}Depth not sufficiently distinguished
[Bug 14071] Screen.{color,pixel}Depth not sufficiently distinguished
[Bug 14072] [CSSOMVIEW] Screen.alphaDepth missing
[Bug 14072] Screen.alphaDepth missing
[Bug 14197] CSSOMVIEW - inconsistent naming convention - media_query_list
[Bug 14197] Inconsistent naming convention - media_query_list
[Bug 14807] Interaction of animation-delay and animation-iteration-count
[Bug 15576] Selectors3 changes the restrictions on the :lang pseudo-class
[Bug 15672] Term "ancestor box" is ambiguous in definition of containing block (Issue 142)
[Bug 15710] Serialization of inline style should be specified for function lists (e.g., transform)
[Bug 16055] (editorial) update links from dev.w3.org to dvcs.w3.org
[Bug 16185] Serialization of <angle> and <family-name> don't match browsers
[Bug 16266] Specify that <shape> is serialized with commas
[Bug 16276] "elements" don't have "edges"
[Bug 16300] Remove 'skew' from transform functions
[Bug 16345] removeProperty doesn't define returned value
[Bug 16348] "CSS layout box" definition missing
[Bug 16380] Define what happens if content is in a display: none iframe
[Bug 16391] regionLayoutUpdate needs to be async
[Bug 16403] innerWidth and innerHeight are inconsistent across browsers (especially mobile)
[Bug 16673] Specify how MouseEventExtension coordinates are set using initMouseEvent()
[Bug 16812] scrollIntoView should work for vertical writing modes
[Bug 17097] s/long/float/ for offsetLeft et al.?
[Bug 17121] Desire to introduce the concept of a "formatting context" for forwards compatibility
[Bug 17138] Stricter use of box terminology throughout in spec (follow-up to Issue 120, inc Issue 266)
[Bug 17152] Support centering an element when scrolling into view.
[Bug 17505] Wider set of properties should apply to table wrapper box instead of table box
[Bug 17520] does not specify how to handle multiple rules on insertRule
[Bug 17522] pixelDepth and colorDepth do not mean the same thing.
[Bug 17523] Specification should define behavior when immutable values are changed
[Bug 17751] A opposite wrong descriptions about window.screenX & window.screenY
[Bug 18324] Specify the return value of removeProperty
[Bug 18346] Desire to define "Block container element"
[Bug 18366] Don't multiply transform functions before interpolation on non equal transform lists
[Bug 18436] Re-add support for skew()
[Bug 18462] New: Style sheet owner node is mentioned twice
[Bug 18462] Style sheet owner node is mentioned twice
[Bug 18476] New: Failure to define that a table-caption element is block-level
[Bug 18484] New: SVG mask is not a transformable element - should be removed from spec
[Bug 18484] SVG mask is not a transformable element - should be removed from spec
[Bug 18494] New: Example 7 should reference IDENTS and not use strings
[Bug 18495] New: Consider suggestions for terminology amendments: modules, fields, gutters
[Bug 18497] New: Should values of 'overflow' applying to table elements be restricted?
[Bug 18497] Should values of 'overflow' applying to (inline-)table elements be restricted?
[Bug 18500] Language about establishing containing blocks is incorrect
[Bug 18500] New: Language about establishing containing blocks is incorrect
[Bug 18517] New: Web IDL syntax error in definition of NamedFlow
[Bug 18517] Web IDL syntax error in definition of NamedFlow
[Bug 18538] description problem about "change the preferred style sheet set name" steps
[Bug 18538] New: description problem about "change the preferred style sheet set name" steps
[Bug 18580] New: CSSKeyframeRule.keyText is wrong
[Bug 18693] New: Property index is missing
[Bug 18693] Property index is missing
[Bug 18724] New: 10.3.9 should refer to "atomic inlines"
Last message date: Thursday, 30 August 2012 00:43:10 UTC