Re: [csswg-drafts] [cssom-view] scrollIntoView and sticky elements (#3104)

`position:absolute` elements are irrelevant. They float above the layout and occlude no matter what. That's expected.

`box-shadow` is also irrelevant.

All that has to be taken into account is the `boundingClientRect` of `position:sticky` elements.

A simplified best-effort could even only consider `position:sticky` elements which are attached to the edges of the scrolling viewport. for example with `top` or `bottom` or `right` or `left` <= `0`.

This is the most common usage. To "stick" headers or footers to the edges of a scrolling viewport.

If we handled that simplified scenario, it's just a matter of clipping off those stickies when calculating the rectangle to move the scrolled element into.

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