Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-syntax] Concrete criteria for rule / declaration validity when being produced by a [compliant] parser? (#10359)

Yes, the rest of CSS beyond the Syntax spec has the actual grammar definitions of all the rules and declarations. What's in parse-css is a super generic notion of "validity" sufficient to differentiate between qualified rules and declarations when [consuming a block's contents](

Of those checks in parse-css, the semicolon check isn't even strictly necessary for that purpose; it's just strictly guaranteed that such a construct will *always* be invalid in CSS because it's a rule that cannot, *by definition*, ever be nested, so we will *never* design a qualified rule that allows a top-level semicolon in its prelude (and no other language hosted on CSS syntax should, either).

The {}-block check for declarations is also slightly stronger than necessary - per Syntax, a non-custom property is allowed to have a {}-block as its *entire* value, and the parse-css check disallows that. I should probably fix that.

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