Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-syntax][css-nesting] Design of `@nest` rule (#10234)

> And the reason we made this trade-off is because we are willing to accept a slightly less nice CSSOM (which is already quite terrible with all its string-based APIs and reportedly only used by 1% of web developers) to the benefit of all other web developers.

I don't quite understand this reasoning, tho - the effects of this are, as far as I can tell, only really observed by people doing the same sort of CSSOM manipulation. You'd only see it if you're stringifying rules and looking at the result. Do you have an example use-case where the stringification helps other people outside of CSSOM-manipulators?

This is the reason I keep harping on (a) the audience and (b) the benefit - I still don't think this has been adequately argued for.

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