Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-values-5] Interpolating calc-size() more generally (#10294) also had one good point that I hadn't seen raised before, and that's relevant here:  Using `calc-size()` at the endpoints as the opt in for the new behavior means that (without extra fallback declarations written by the author) the fallback in downlevel browsers (particularly for transitions) will break not only the animation but also the behavior before or after the animation.  However, with a different opt-in mechanism, the fallback behavior for non-supporting browsers will not break the endpoints but only the animation between them, which is less problematic.

Also, I suppose the discussion above has led me to reconsider and be more comfortable with the idea of a "global" opt-in property for this -- that is, a single property that opts CSS transitions, CSS animations, and web animations on the element in to the new animation behavior.  If we have such a property, I think my preference is that it be inherited, given that I think inheritance is a more efficient mechanism for setting it "everywhere" than a universal selector is.  This would mean opting in would require `:root { interpolation: sizing-keywords }` (or whatever we call it) and opting a subtree out would then require `#widget { interpolation: auto }` (or whetever we call it).

I'll try to think about naming a bit more.

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