Re: [csswg-drafts] [cssom-view] scrollIntoView and sticky elements (#3104)

"Occluded" is fairly hard to define as a concept, fwiw. Do things like box shadows count as "occluding"? See also all the ink-overflow-related discussions.

In general, `scrollIntoView` also doesn't account for overlaid abspos elements or fixed-pos elements, that's what scroll-{padding,margin} are for, generally. It also doesn't account for z-index, and a lot of other things that it could _maybe_ account for.

Not opposed to add some best-effort handling of sticky to the scrollIntoView algorithm, but my ask was to see what different browsers were doing. At least on my machine, the test-case above behaves consistently across browsers, so there's no "magic" going on.

A concrete proposal would be great. I could try to come up with something and tests, but honestly I'm a bit swamped with other work right now and this doesn't seem like something super-prioritary...

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