Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-contain] content-visibility: auto and SVG-as-image (#10347)

> I mean, at least Gecko shares SVG-as-images.

Chrome does this as well. We need to pass in some context-specific data when drawing the image, such as when two `<img>`s reference the same svg but have different sizes ([code](;drc=c0265133106c7647e90f9aaa4377d28190b1a6a9;l=38)). It would be technically possible to include top-level viewport intersection in this context-specific data.

There are are some spec'd differences between svgs in iframes vs svg images, such as how svg image do not allow interaction or script ([secure animated mode]( Because of the restrictions of svg images, there is _almost_ no observable difference if we just consider them as always relevant to the user vs actually calculating top-level-viewport intersection.

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