Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-contain] content-visibility: auto and SVG-as-image (#10347)

I mean, at least Gecko shares SVG-as-images.

A `content-visibility: auto` element in an iframe will, IIRC use an `IntersectionObserver`-like check to intersect **with the top level viewport**. But that doesn't work if your image can be painted in multiple places and the data is shared.


<!doctype html>
<img src="foo.svg">
<div style="height: 5000px"></div>
<img src="foo.svg">

IIUC, the content would be "relevant" in both images regardless. While if they were iframes, the content will be relevant in the top iframe, but not in the bottom.

So I think that, effectively for this purpose at least, you just ignore `content-visibility: auto` (everything is relevant in an SVG image, kind of)

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