Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Proposal for a view-transition-tree property (name tbd) (#10334)

**Proposed resolution** to go with option 3 from the comment above:

One question, what should happen if the author adds `view-transition-parent` to a child but doesn't add `view-transition-tree: preserve` to the corresponding parent? Is `view-transition-parent` enough to opt-in to grouping under that parent or does that parent explicitly need to allow grouping under it via `view-transition-tree`.

The pro of requiring `view-transition-tree` is that it aligns closely with `position: absolute` so would make it easier for authors to understand the concept. The con is that if only child under a node wants to be parented under it, then the author explicitly has to set `view-transition-parent: none` for all named elements under that parent. I lean strongly towards not requiring `view-transition-tree` but this comes down to what would be more preferable for authors. So happy to go with either based on developer feedback.

@jakearchibald @calinoracation any suggestions?

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