Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] Proposal for a view-transition-tree property (name tbd) (#10334)

Evaluating how `view-transition-parent` would work with the naming proposals on

There shouldn't be an issue with the `attr()` and `element-uuid()` syntax. One of the examples on the issue shows how custom properties allow using a parent's name on a child. For example,

.card {
  --card-id: element-uuid();
  view-transition-name: ident(var(--card-id));

  img {
    view-transition-parent: ident(var(--card-id));
    view-transition-name: ident(var(--card-id) "-img");

But I don't see how `view-transition-parent` could be set if an ancestor was named via `view-transition-name: auto`. Not a big deal, we don't have to support all naming syntaxes with `view-transition-parent`. Just something worth thinking through.

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