Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui] New value(s) for the appearance property to support `<select>` stylability (#10333)

Related issue: #10332, I think it would be worth figuring out how to also bring the extended `<select>` stylability to `appearance: none` at least. 

> I don't think it's possible to make all form control elements have an interoperable and stylable appearance:base mode before we ship anything because it could take decades to do this for each element.

I don't think `appearance: base` is about enabling stylability. If seen that way, it could indeed take a long time until `appearance: base` is shippable for all elements in a stable manner. The way I see it at least,`appearance: base` is only about providing interoperable base styles to controls that authors can work from, not about enabling new pseudo-elements / markup to be used from form controls. This would be a lot faster to do for all controls at once.

> This doesn't seem to support the appearance:base-select-excluding-picker use case.

I'm not sure I agree with the design of this, but either way, it's not impossible to support this in the future through a longhand property:

`appearance-picker: auto/base` or something. I don't see this as preventing us from using the `base` keyword directly.

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