Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-ui] New value(s) for the appearance property to support `<select>` stylability (#10333)

Recall that the discussion in the joint meeting was that we could always add `base` later, after we'd gotten all the current controls figured out, and just define that it behaves as the appropriate value depending on the element (or `none` or `auto`, if there's no more specific value). 

That way we get:
* the forward-compatibility benefits immediately, without delaying *at all*
* an established structure for other variants, like what Anne mentioned for a select-without-picker mode
* an easy way to verify that a given element's base styling exists (by doing a supports query for the specific value)

This isn't new ground we're treading; we used essentially the same reasoning to settle on `reading-order-items` having layout-specific keywords, rather than a generic one that could work on everything.

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