Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] view-transition-name determined by element (#8320)

All of the proposed solutions are not exclusive. The simplicity of `auto` or `from-element` should not be downplayed because large sites need something more powerful.

The element identity matching seems to be already present to some extent in `content-visibility`, `contain-intrinsic-size`'s last remembered size, and maybe "last remembered" thing in anchor positioning. They all mention something along the lines of "if the element did X in the past, then do Y" which breaks under element thrashing. I'm not necessarily suggesting adding more breaking behavior, but I'm also not seeing a compelling reason why view transitions are different here. Is element thrashing common in "real" sites? DOM recycling is maybe a concern, but developers should know how to deal with it.

I'm fine with trying ident/attr solution first, but isn't this just moving the naming problem from CSS to DOM? It doesn't at all address the "demo" cases, and the fact that a lot of DOM may already have unique ids on elements in "real world" cases seems coincidental at best

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