[csswg-drafts] [css-contain] Stacking Context is undesired (#10300)

FirstVertex has just created a new issue for https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts:

== [css-contain] Stacking Context is undesired ==
* please tag the issue title with the spec's shortname, like `[css-foo]`
  (this is the name from the spec URL, without a level number unless the issue is specific to that level).
  If you're proposing a new feature that doesn't obviously fit in an existing spec, skip this part — don't make something up.

* please be specific (in the title and issue) about what you want to change:
  “make it better” means different things to different people!

* please link to the spec section you're talking about, or at least the spec

@container queries create a new stacking context.  This is 100% undesired.  Media queries do not work like that.  All my z-index are fubar after trying to use @container queries.  There is no logical relationship between the container size (dimensions) and the stacking order (display).  Marking an element as a container should not *ever* influence the stacking context.  Css @container queries are useless in their current state because of this extra stacking context which adds nothing but extra problems and quirks.  Please delete the part of container queries which makes a new stacking context so that container queries can actually be used.

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/10300 using your GitHub account

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