Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] view-transition-name determined by element (#8320)

@noamr I appreciate the reframing.

I do worry that the use-cases being tackled here are ones that pop up for little demos, but aren't such a big issue in 'real' development.

In real apps/sites, it's pretty easy to assign items a unique ID. `ident()` + `attr()` helps a bit, but not loads. `auto`/`element-uuid` is SPA only, and ensuring that element references are stable is harder in frameworks than just assigning a unique ID.

The biggest help here has been [transition classes](

Aside from that, it feels like a lot of effort is being spent here that could be better spent on something like [nested transition groups](, which would unblock a bunch of transitions.

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