Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] view-transition-name determined by element (#8320)


> I personally don't see much point in removing and recreating the `img` in this case instead of just mutating it

When mutating something like an image, the old image sticks around until enough of the new image has loaded. This is often undesirable (especially given that width and height changes apply immediately), and a quick fix is to recreate the element, so you get the initial element loading experience.

More generally, when developing with frameworks, it's somewhat trickier to preserve element identity than it is to force new element creation.

> It's easier to teach `auto` than `element-uuid()` IMO.

I don't agree. I think if you asked developers what they think the two do, you'll get something more accurate with `element-uuid()`, because its name describes what it does. `auto` means lots of different things across CSS properties. You have to learn what it does on a case by case basis.

`element-uuid()` gives you an auto-generated ID for the element. The same element will always have the same `element-uuid()`. A different element will have a different `element-uuid()`.

Now let's do `auto`:

When `view-transition-name` is `auto`, it's given an auto-generated name that's consistent for the life of the element. The same element will always have the same auto-generated name. A different element will have a different auto-generated name.


> I would rather have some syntax that abstracts away things and feels more like CSS

I don't think you're abstracting much away. The auto generated name will probably appear as the group name.

As for 'feels', I really think we should focus on more objective things, but `element-uuid()` feels at home with things like `sibling-index()`.

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