Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-view-transitions-2] view-transition-name determined by element (#8320)

> As for 'feels', I really think we should focus on more objective things, but element-uuid() feels at home with things like sibling-index().

This isn't just about feels. `element-uuid()` is odd to me because CSS tries to detach itself from the host language and this exposes something new from the host language (that the host language doesn't even have access to in JS!). 

> I don't think you're abstracting much away. The auto generated name will probably appear as the group name.

In my proposal, the computed value would just stay `auto`, for styling you'd use view transition classes (you wouldn't be able to use names either way since you can't really predict an auto-generated name). 

> I don't agree. I think if you asked developers what they think the two do, you'll get something more accurate with element-uuid(), because its name describes what it does. auto means lots of different things across CSS properties. You have to learn what it does on a case by case basis.

Fwiw, `auto` could be named differently if it's too vague (`from-element` e.g. like `text-decoration-thickness: from-font`).

Just to be clear though, I'm not advocating for a particular syntax. I'm open to a different one that addresses more use-cases but I think honoring how CSS was designed is important IMO. I wonder if @fantasai or @tabatkins have ideas here.

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