Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid-3] Designer/developer feedback on masonry layout (#10233)

> +1 to team Safarifox on this one.
> The masonry layout solution should be part of Grid, not its own display. As someone pointed out in another comment, it is sometimes hard distinguishing Flex from Grid, and being able to use features of Grid with a masonry layout feels very nice. Honestly, the masonry layout kinda feels like being able to marry Flex and Grid in a very natural way.

How much complicated would this make the grid specification?  You will have to learn all the ways where masonry and grid are different in addition to what they have in common.  I don 't believe this will be trivial.

Having a separate `display: masonry` value means that you keep grid as is and can learn masonry as something different and specific. 

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