Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid-3] Designer/developer feedback on masonry layout (#10233)

Wouldn't this new spec be very similar to [grid-auto-flow: dense](,dense,this%20leaves%20holes%20that%20could%20have%20been%20filled%20by%20later%20items.,-Formal%20definition)? Can we amend it to handle content of varying size, to me that appears to be the only difference? I'm sure there are many low level engineering reasons why grid-auto-flow: dense is different or can't be amended and I would like know what they are. Rachel Andrews briefly [mentions]( this but does not go into detail.

If "masonry" is added I think it should be a new layout type not part of grid. Adding it to grid will be redundant and it will be confused with grid-auto-flow: dense. Either way there will be many posts in the future asking: "What's the difference between grid-auto-flow: dense and 'masonry'?" and "Why does grid-auto-flow: dense exist and why use it?"

Some name ideas: stagger, condense, offset, compact, matrix, stack. 

I would like to see vertical/column, horizontal/row and auto (auto arrange even if out of order) options. e.g.  stagger: auto, stagger: row or stagger: column

Has the csswg even agreed on what a "masonry" layout is? There are many variations. 

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