Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-anchor-position-1][css-display-4] Anchor Positioning and Display Order (#9356)

Thanks for the additional explanation. 

While I agree that anchor positioning by itself is not sufficient to establish the type of semantic relationship between elements, the proximity-based rendering often (frequently?) would convey a navigational relationship... In particular for the reading order (including tab loop if elements are focusable), a sighted user could infer a logic to the reading order based on the anchored position relationship... And I think that's the intention of @kizu's proposal.

> I think in almost every case, when we position something in relation to a specific anchor, we want the tab order to follow from the anchor to the positioned element and then back to the flow after the anchor.

I'm sure we could come up with a hypothetical example that doesn't fit this, but Roman's suggestion does make sense to me as a default or option.

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