Re: [csswg-drafts] [css-grid-3] Designer/developer feedback on masonry layout (#10233)

Sorry I don't have much to offer here but I do want to add my thoughts; I would love to see a waterfall feature implemented into CSS Grid. I believe the benefits of utilising Grid features alongside a waterfall layout far outweigh any potential performance or future enhancement pitfalls that might come along when furthering the spec for Grid. 

To be honest, I would use the waterfall feature whether or not it is added to Grid, but in my mind they belong together. 

I would use it within Grid to create the kind of engaging designs that Apple has demoed, I've had to make layouts like these before and often wondered why it can be so tricky when it feels to me like an intrinsic design layout people want to use regularly. 

Ultimately, for me the power of Grid is its ability to let the browser do the hard work and allow for interesting layouts to emerge from experimentation, so adding waterfall to Grid would make it that much more powerful.

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